When you use Extracoin, you trust your data and information with us. We are committed to maintaining that trust. In this regard, this Privacy Policy ("Policy") explains clearly and accessibly how your information and data will be collected, used, shared, and stored through our systems. Acceptance of our policy will be made when you access or use the Extracoin website, application, or services. This indicates that you are aware of and in full agreement with how we will use your information and data.

This Privacy Notice ("Notice") aims to protect the privacy and fundamental rights of Users when their personal data is processed by the Company, such as the fundamental rights of Visitors during website navigation.


- 'Consent' means any freely given, specific, and informed indication of your wishes, by which a data subject signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to them.

- 'Data controller' refers to the natural or legal person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and who is responsible for such processing.

- 'Data subject' means the natural or legal person whose data is processed, whether a User or a Visitor.

- 'Disclosure' means making personal data accessible, for example, by allowing access, transmission, or publication.

- 'Personal data' means all information about an identified or identifiable person.

- 'Personal data breach' means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.

- 'Processing' means any operation or set of operations – whether automated or not – performed on personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment, or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

- 'Recipient' means a third party, public authority, agency, or another body – i.e., someone or something other than the Data subject or the Company – to whom personal data is disclosed.


The Company provides this Notice to describe its procedures regarding the Processing and Disclosure of personal data collected by the Company during the use of the Website.

This Notice applies to any use of the Website, regardless of the method or means used. It details the conditions under which the Company may collect, maintain, use, and save information about you, as well as the choices you have made regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data.


By browsing the Website, Visitors acknowledge that the Company may collect and process a certain number of personal data related to them and that they have read and understood this Notice and agree to be bound by it and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Users acknowledge that the Company may collect and process a certain number of personal data related to them and that they have read and understood this Notice and agree to be bound by it and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Consent is given when Users voluntarily submit to the company the personal data necessary to become a User. The User understands and agrees that the Company is free to use this Personal Data within the limits provided by law and in this Notice.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Notice, do not become a User and avoid using the Site.


During the processing of personal data, the Company will follow the following general principle:

a) Fairness and lawfulness

When processing personal data, the individual rights of data subjects must be protected. Personal data must be collected and processed legally, fairly, in good faith, and must be provided for the intended purpose.

b) Restriction to a specific purpose

Personal data processed by the Company must be adequate and relevant to the purpose for which they are collected and processed. This requires, in particular, ensuring that the types of personal data collected are not excessive for the purposes for which they are collected. Subsequent changes to the purpose are only possible to a certain extent and require justification.

c) Transparency

The data subject must be informed about how their personal data is being processed. When personal data is collected, the data subject must be informed about:

- The existence of this Notice

- The identity of the data controller

- The purpose of processing personal data

- Third parties to whom the data may be disclosed

d) Consent of the data subject

Personal data must be collected directly from the individual in question, and the consent of the data subject may be required before processing personal data. Consent must be obtained in writing or electronically for documentation purposes. Consent is valid only if given voluntarily. If, for any reason, the data subject's consent is not given before the processing of personal data, it must be obtained in writing as soon as possible after the start of processing.

Personal data may be processed without consent if it is necessary to enforce a legitimate interest of the Company. Legitimate interests are generally of a legal (e.g., legal action, enforcement or defense against legal action) or financial nature (e.g., business evaluation). The processing of personal data is also allowed if national legislation requests, requires, or allows it.

e) Accuracy

Personal data kept on record must be corrected and, if necessary, kept up to date. Inaccurate or incomplete personal data should not be kept on record and should be deleted.


This Notice applies to all information received during your visit or use of the Site, when you subscribe to our newsletter, and/or become a User.

In particular, the Company will collect the following personal data:

Visitor data:

- While browsing the Site, even if you do not subscribe to our newsletter, do not become a User, and do not contact us, the Company automatically:

  - Collects your cookies

  - Uses Google Analytics

  - Uses Facebook pixel

  - Access point to the USA

  - USA Intercom

  - USA Hotjar

  - Uses Twitter Connect


The following paragraphs describe the various purposes for which the Company uses your personal data.

a) User data:

- Users understand and agree that their transactional information will be made public on the BSCScan Network, thus disclosed to anyone.

- The Company will use Users' personal data to provide them with a better service and, in particular, to:

  - Communicate with them

  - Provide them with information about new products available, blog posts, promotions, special offers, and other information

  - Personalize promotional offers, particularly based on their activity and transaction history

  - Respond to their questions and comments

  - Send them the Extracoin newsletter, unless Users unsubscribe

  - Prevent potentially harmful or illegal activities

  - Conduct surveys and compile statistics on usage patterns

  - Process transactions

  - Manage accounts

  - Enforce the Terms of Use

  - Fulfill our legal requirements

  - As otherwise described to Users at the point of collection.

b) Cookies Collection

A Cookie is a piece of information that is automatically placed on your computer's hard drive when you access certain websites. The Cookie uniquely identifies your browser to the server. Cookies allow the Company to store information on the server (e.g., language preference, technical information, click or path information, etc.) to help make the web experience better for you and for local performance analysis and analytics. Most web

 browsers are set to accept cookies, although you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please note, however, that some parts of the site may not function properly if you refuse cookies.

c) Use of Google Analytics

The site uses Google Analytics, an internet site analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer to help analyze how users use the site. The data generated by the cookies regarding your use of the site (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers located outside of Brazil. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the site, compile reports on site activity for its publisher, and provide other services related to site activity and internet use. Google may disclose this data to third parties if there is a legal obligation to do so or when third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including, in particular, the Site's publisher.

You can disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. However, disabling this type may prevent the use of certain site functions. By using the site, you specifically consent to the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes mentioned above.


The Company may share your personal data with other relevant third parties, particularly if requested to do so to comply with a court order or order from law enforcement authorities, or if we deem it necessary, as determined at the sole discretion of the Company, to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, to defend our interests, or as required or permitted by law.

In any case where cross-border transfer is made, the Company ensures that adequate protection is guaranteed for the personal data to be transferred out of Brazil. In some specific cases, when this level of protection is not guaranteed, the Company will obtain your prior consent or establish with the Recipient of Personal Data a contractual or other legally guaranteed framework that will ensure an adequate level of protection abroad. You can request access to a protected copy by contacting the Company.

Unless otherwise stated, third parties receiving data from the Company are prohibited from using this personal data beyond what is necessary to provide the product or service to you, either directly or by participating in the Company's activities.


The storage, as well as the processing of your personal data, may require that your personal data be transferred/transmitted and/or stored in a destination outside your country of residence, especially in Brazil. Where permitted by law, by accepting the terms of this Notice, you agree to such transfer, transmission, storage, and/or processing. You also agree that such activities may be carried out to or in countries that offer a lower level of protection than your country of residence.


In accordance with applicable laws, the Company will use your personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which your personal data was collected or to comply with legal requirements.


The Company applies high industry standards and will always apply technical and organizational measures adopted, in accordance with definitive laws, to ensure that your data is securely met.

In the event of a personal data breach, the Company must, without delay, and whenever possible, no later than 72 hours after becoming aware, notify the breach to the competent supervisory authority unless such breach is prohibited that results in a risk to your rights and freedoms. If it is forcibly that the breach results in a high risk to your rights and freedoms, the Company must communicate this breach to you, if feasible, without undue delay.


You have the right to request access to or information about personal data related to you processed by the Company.

When provided by law, you, your successors, representatives, and/or proxies may (i) request the deletion, correction, or revision of your personal data; (ii) object to data processing; (iii) limit the use and disclosure of your personal data; and (iv) revoke consent for any of our data processing activities, if the company relies on your consent and has no other legal basis to continue processing your data.

These rights can be exercised by contacting us through our contact form or writing to: contact@extracoin.store, attaching a copy of your identification document. If the request is sent by someone other than you, without providing evidence that the request was made legitimately on your behalf, the request will be rejected.

The request is free unless your request is unfounded or excessive (e.g., if you have already requested this personal data several times in the last twelve months or if the request generates an extremely high workload). In this case, the Company may charge a reasonable request fee according to satisfactory laws.

The Company may refuse, restrict, or postpone the provision of personal data when it has the right to do so, for example, if compliance with the requirement adversely affects the rights and freedoms of third parties.


You also have the right to receive your personal data, which you provided to the Company, in a protected, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance from the Company.

This right can be exercised by contacting us through our contact form or writing to: contact@extracoin.store, attaching a copy of your identification. If the request is sent by someone other than you, without providing evidence that the request was made legitimately on your behalf, the request will be rejected.

The request is free unless your request is unfounded or excessive (e.g., if you have already requested this personal data several times in the last twelve months or if the request generates an extremely high workload). In this case, the Company may charge a reasonable request fee according to satisfactory laws.

The Company may refuse, restrict, or postpone the provision of personal data when it has the right to do so, for example, if compliance with the requirement adversely affects the rights and freedoms of third parties.


The Company will, both at the time of the inheritance of processing means and at the time of processing itself, implement technical and organizational measures implemented, such as pseudonymization, designed to implement data protection principles, such as data minimization, effectively and to integrate the necessary safeguards into processing to meet the requirements of LGPD and protect your rights.

The Company has implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure that, by default, only the personal data necessary for each specific processing purpose is processed. This obligation applies to the amount of your personal data that we collect, the extent of its processing, the storage period, and its accessibility. These measures will ensure that, by default, your personal data is not made available without your intervention to an indefinite number of third parties.


The Company may modify this Notice from time to time and will post the latest version on the Site. If a reduction of your rights, a pop-up window will inform you immediately when you browse our site, and you will have to accept the changes.


To ask questions or make comments about this Notice or to file a complaint about our compliance with privacy laws, please contact us through our email address: contact@extracoin.store

We will acknowledge and investigate any complaints in accordance with this Notice.